
Public DMPs

Public DMPs are plans created using the DMPonline service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.

Project Title  Template  Organisation Owner Download
PhD research project: “The potential of flexibility in chemical processes in the context of the energy transition” TU Delft Data Management Plan template (2021) Delft University of Technology Svenja Bielefeld (new window) Opens in new window
Liquid Territories TU Delft Data Management Plan template (2021) Delft University of Technology Christoforos Romanos (new window) Opens in new window
Testing Pilot Behavior for Helicopter flight using VR headsets TU Delft Data Management Plan template (2021) Delft University of Technology Sheharyar Ali (new window) Opens in new window
Mobile Robotic Platform for Human Gait Analysis (ROBOGait) TU Delft Data Management Plan template (2021) Delft University of Technology Diego Guffanti (new window) Opens in new window
A multi-criteria decision making model for the circular adaptive reuse of buildings TU Delft Data Management Plan template (2021) Delft University of Technology Brian van Laar (new window) Opens in new window
Flood risk labels: An investor’s perspective TU Delft Data Management Plan template (2021) Delft University of Technology Rick Gorter (new window) Opens in new window
TPM – MSc Optimizing Hybrid Energy System Components at The Green Village TU Delft Data Management Plan template (2021) Delft University of Technology Kenan Salkovic (new window) Opens in new window
Robust Decision-Making for Inland Waterway Transport Businesses TU Delft Data Management Plan template (2021) Delft University of Technology Ronaldus Lassooij (new window) Opens in new window
Negotiation TU Delft Data Management Questions Delft University of Technology Catholijn Jonker (new window) Opens in new window
Exploring Perceived Long Distance Accessibility by Air Transportation: A Focus Group Study in the Dutch Context TU Delft Data Management Questions Delft University of Technology Sihyun Yoo (new window) Opens in new window